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Way Church Journal


Grow in your daily discipline of prayer and Bible reading.

Pick up a physicalWay Church Journal or download the three PDFs below to print out at home.

Here’s how to use your Journal.  

Download the plan

1. Pray

Using the Prayer List in your Way Church Journal, write down the people, situations, and plans you’re praying for. Enter the date you began praying and the date God answers it. Then, keep praying until God answers.

2. Read

This 2-year Bible reading plan gets you into God’s Word every day… so you grow in hope, faith, obedience, and joy. Use this 2-year plan to learn about God and pray through the Word.

3. Reflect

1. Open the Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you.
2. Read the passage with an open heart.
Read the passage with an open heart.
3. Use the Daily Pages in your Way Church Journal to jot down anything that stands out as something God wants you to apply in your life.
4. Write out the specific steps you can take to apply the lesson.
5. Pray over how you’ll take action, asking the Holy Spirit to help you live out the Word.


MAde Simple

You don’t need to be a spiritual superstar to pray. Simply think of it as an everyday conversation between you and God.

There’s no one way to pray, but many people find it helpful to have a structure to follow. Try using this P.R.A.Y. template to help guide your conversations with God.



Digital resources to help you on your spiritual journey.


Cultivate a habit of listening to the Bible with original music and genuine voices.

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Gilbert Arizona


Make God’s Word part of your daily life with reading plans, Bible versions, audio, and more.

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Youversion Bible App

Bible Project

Study biblical themes, reflect on Scripture, and discover what makes the Bible a unified story that leads to Jesus.

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Youversion Bible App
A few Recomended

Study Bibles

A Study Bible is Scripture paired with insights, commentary, and practical applications to deepen your understanding and connect biblical truth to daily life.